What do we do and why do we do it?

DrShakthiCharities will build programs to channel financial and brain power in creating a better tomorrow for today’s world.

DrShakthiCharities will be socially responsible and economically thoughtful, enabling every dollar to go towards the programs supported by the organization..

Many of the programs supported by DrShakthiCharities will reflect on Darshana's core idea of
Leadership is ruling the world... in your own way!

Programs Supported By DrShakthiCharities

MahadarshanA program to develop leadership skills in children, spearheaded by Darshana Prakasam

10-Cent Drive - It makes cents!
A program which is based on ‘an educated child is educating a child’ developed by Darshana Prakasam and spearheaded by Ms.Linda Colby, mother, wife, artist, interior decorator and business owner.

DarmaTennisAcademy - Spearheaded by Darshana Prakasam and ably assisted by Manu Prakasam, it will bring tennis to children who do not have access to the sport because of socio economic reasons.

Light up and EnlightenSchool education and temple renovation program spearheaded by Dr. Eswari Prakasam. This program will work towards renovation of historically important temples in India and helping schools in need with infrastructure development.


Feb 2009 in and around Vellore, South India

In Februrary of 2009, 3 schools were selected in the Southern Indian town of Vellore to participate in a new and unique kind of competition. Unlike the type of learning the children are used to, these children were asked to come up with creative ways to make their community a better place to live in. The children in the orphanage were asked to write an essay on how to productively use a 1000 dollar gift to their school to make it a better place.

http://10centsdrive.blogspot.com/ has the pictures on the Feb 25th, 2009 post.